Help connect people to trusted relationships through LifeGroups—either online or in person—and to opportunities to love their neighbors through our Mission Partners.

Check out the many areas we have to serve in LifeGroups/LifeMissions below!

LifeGroup Leader
Create a space for people to intentionally share their lives, grow spiritually, and encourage each other. Start a LifeGroup either in person or online.

Position Tasks:

  • Create a safe and welcoming environment for people to grow spiritually and share their life.
  • Organize activities that fit schedule needs of your group members.
  • Effectively communicate with current and new group members.
  • Answer questions of those inquiring about your LifeGroup.

Associated Spiritual Gifts:

  • Encouragement (comforter and counselor)
  • Mercy (empathetic and caring)
  • Hospitality (detail-oriented and welcoming)
  • Service (unselfish and practical)
  • Giving (gracious and supporting)
  • Shepherding (nurturing and caring)
  • Evangelism (outgoing and well-spoken)
  • Apostleship (well-spoken and worldly)
I'm Ready to Serve Start a LifeGroup
Invest in others and encourage their spiritual growth through guidance, teaching, and intentional discussions.

Position Tasks:

  • Create a safe and welcoming environment for people to grow spiritually and share their life.
  • Follow up and communicate with people who are seeking growth opportunities and answers to questions about their faith.
  • Ability to teach and guide people in their spiritual journey, bringing them closer to Jesus.

Associated Spiritual Gifts:

  • Encouragement (comforter and counselor)
  • Teaching (communication and instruction)
  • Prophecy (Holy Spirit-driven and wise)
  • Discernment (perceiver and emotionally intelligent)
  • Mercy (empathetic and caring)
  • Hospitality (detail-oriented and welcoming)
  • Giving (gracious and supporting)
  • Shepherding (nurturing and caring)
  • Evangelism (outgoing and well-spoken)
I'm Ready to Serve
Connections Leader
Leverage relationships and technology to guide people to take their best next steps.

Position Tasks:

  • Create a high energy and welcoming environment for people to engage. 
  • Staying close to the Info Wall before and after services to engage with people about opportunities and ways to get involved at Uncommon Life.
  • Answering questions about serving, LifeGroups, and growth tools that Uncommon Life has to offer.

Associated Spiritual Gifts:

  • Encouragement (comforter and counselor)
  • Discernment (perceiver and emotionally intelligent)
  • Mercy (empathetic and caring)
  • Hospitality (detail-oriented and welcoming)
  • Giving (gracious and supporting)
  • Shepherding (nurturing and caring)
  • Evangelism (outgoing and well-spoken)
I'm Ready to Serve